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more guess about the original and created in and outside this universe

Last updated on April 21, 2023

a sum of static states or a dynamic state of this universe as NOW is at a time point

( First make a little correction about the graph above: “possible future of NOW” and “non-realized possible future of past” in the graph above should be more precisely “prebuilt possible future of NOW” and “non-realized prebuilt possible future of past”, because prebuilt possible future should just be a part of all possible futures).

A static time is the time dimension from past to future of this uninverse when NOW is at a specific time point, so it’s static time. And also it’s a created time, becuase this static time only exists when and where it’s created like in this universe. And also it’s spatial time because different points on a static time dimension are just different parts of the presentation at same time of the same bottom layer of this universe. In short, a static time is corresponding to a specific NOW.

The dynamic time is the time dimension on which the NOW of a static time of this universe is moving/changing to next NOW of next static time of this universe, or in another word, a dynamic time is the time dimension on which NOW or static time is moving. The dynamic time is absolute/universal/unique/real/original/natural time as well, because it’s same anywhere and anywhen in and outside this universe.

The past of dynamic time includes all existence in the past including non-realized prebuilt possible futures, and the future of dynamic time includes all possibilities in future.

But the NOW of a static time can only be logically decided by or interact with the past of reality and the prebuilt possible future of this static time. So when we are at the NOW of a stitic time of this universe which is at a spefic time point of the dynamic time, we can only see the logic graph below.

What we can see when we are at a NOW of a specific time piont in this universe

The NOW is the intersection between the static/created/spatial time and the dynamic/real/original/absolute time of this universe which connect the time outside this universe and this universe (the static state of this universe resembles a 4-D space in which static time is a one-direction dimension different from the dimensions of space).

PS: in this universe, a static time or the NOW of a static time must be or correspond to one time point of the dynamic time (or more theoretically), and a time point of a dynamic time must to be or correpond to only one static time or the NOW of a static time; so a time point means a time point of the dynamic time, and a time point of a static time is a point on the dimension line of this static time and this whole static time is all at one time point of the dynamic time.

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