Last updated on April 17, 2023
Haha, remember this drawing that I put in my article a year before? Now I kind of figure it out that the drawing above is not exactly the time structure of this universe but only the static time structure of the static state of this universe, because the whole time-space structure of the dynamic state of this universe is 5-dimensional.
The drawing above just shows what the static state of this universe looks like when the common present/now time point (in and outside this universe) is at any time point in a common time line (in and outside this universe), and at this time point the static state of this universe is a 4-dimensional structure exactly including a static time dimension as the graph above showed. When the common present/now is moving on the common timeline in and outside this universe, this dynamic movement of the common present/now will form the 5th dimension of this universe – the dynamic time dimension, and the drawing above will change along with the movement of the present/now on the common timeline, and the sum of all changed drawings above along with the dynamic time dimension (common timeline) will form the whole time-space of the dynamic state of this universe which is 5-dimensional.
5 dimensions of this universe includes: 3 dimensions of space, 1 dimension of static time, 1 dimension of dynamic time. 1 dimension of static time is as showed in the graph above, and is very similar to the 3 dimensions of space, or is the same in nature as the 3 dimensions of space, because different parts on this static time dimension (past, now and prebuilt possible futures) are just different parts or presentation of the same bottom layer of this universe and coexist at any time point. and of course the dynamic state of the bottom layer of this universe is 5-dimensional as well.
So Einstein is partly right about time is same dimension as space, but maybe more precisely it’s the static time of this universt that is the same dimensiona as space in nature, and there is one more dimension of dynamic time of this universe (and outside this universe) there, haha.
PS: in fact, this dynamic time can also be called more precisely as real time or natural time or original time, because this original time exsits anywhen and anywhere in and outside this universe; and this static time can also be called more precisely as created time or route time or spatial time, because this spatial time is created along with the creation of the space of this universe, and this kind of spatial time only exists where and when it’s created like in this universe, and this spatial time is the route/path of the space of this universe over passing of real original time.
PS2: although the spatial time has the same nature as the dimensions of space for past and now and prebuilt possible futures are just different parts of presentation of the bottom layer of this universe, there is still critical difference between the spatial time and the dimensions of space, because it’s obvious that this universe is created with principal that we can only go from past to now to future in the dimention of this spactial time; so the spatial time is a one-direction dimension (at least demanded by the design or law of this universe), but the dimensions of the space are two-directions as to the design or law of this universe.
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