Last updated on May 20, 2023
According to my previous guesses, this universe’s spacetime is a 5-dimensional spacetime structure, which includes 3 dimensions of space and a static/created/spatial time dimension and a dynamic/real/absolute/original time dimension. A static time cone at a specific time point of the dynamic time dimension (like at now) is like the graph below.
Wherein the static means the past and now and prebuilt possible future of a static time cone on a point of the dimension of the dynamic time coexist at the same time togather just like the magnetic tape of a fixed film with the magnetic head at now point of the tape, and a static time cone (like the magnetic tape of a film) is fixed or certain or unchangable after now or at now (of dynamic/real time), and you may interact with a static time cone at now and then this static time cone will change to next static time cone in future (of real/dynamic time) – interaction at now will incur change in the static time cones in future but not in this static time cone of now and the static time cone at now is decided before now, so it’s static. And wherein the dynamic means the static time cone (like the magnetic tape of the film) may change as dynamic/real/absolute time passes (the now is moving on the dimension of the dynamic time). So the 3 dimensions of space and the static/created/spatial time dimension of this universe togather are a 4-dimensial space, which includes the recored past, now and prebuilt possible future of the static time of this universe, and when dynamic/real/absolute time passes, we or now time point are moving in this 4-D space along one fixed direction of the dimension of static time.
So according to my guesses, we at now cannot see or interact with (like “go to”) the past or future of the dynamic/real/absolute time, because we at now can only interact with any existence of now (on the now time point of the dynamic/real/absolute time dimension). But theoretically, we can see or interact with (like “go to”) the past or prebuilt possible future of the static time of now which is on the now time point of the dynamic/real/absolute time, because the past and prebuilt possible future of the static time of now are just different parts of the (discreated) presentation of the very same bottom layer of this universe at now, and the recorded past, now and prebuilt future of this static time of now coexist at now.
But the creator/administrator of this universe must have set the rules forbiding change of the past of the static time of this universe (when without permission from them?). Because any change to the past of the static time of now will affect the logic consistence of all static times in future and many trivial change may incur significant inconsistencies, and especially, if this universe tends to keep consistence of the logic of the static times in future, it will just be disastrous because this universe will just explode for the butterfly effect shifting caused by even trivial change of the past of the static time of now. It seems that we have not found any inconsistency in this universe yet (not mention significant inconsistency), and obviously this universe has not exploded yet, so I believe this univeres must have such rules.
I guess that the creator of this universe may leave freedom as much as possible to the livings in this universe as long as you don’t explode this universe. So, we may shall feel lucky and grateful that the creator of this universe is not just The God of Spinoza, hahaha.
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