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A guess about time inside and outside this universe

Last updated on April 16, 2023

I got an inspiration from some videos disclosing people who have special abilities to see very far places and future and past, and these people includes the famous one disclosed by CIA documents – “Ingo Swann”, and in fact there are many others from different places. I’m impressed by one word repeated in those videos: if you can see somthing far away, that means you are very possible to be able to see past and future as well. This let me think of the ideas of Einstein: time is not real but delusion, and the whole timeline of this universe is already decided there.

Haha, Einstein may realize something, but he may be wrong with something as well, because he couldn’t seen the whole thing. Yes somehow, the past, the present/now and the future of this universe do coexist at the same time, and we’re just moving from present time point to the next time point of this universe which seems like time passing is just our movement in decided presentation or time line of this universe, but the whole time including inside and outside this universe may be not what Einstein thought.

This universe may prebuild its possible futures or more precisely a part of its all possible futures, which means the present/now of this universe and prebuilt possible futures of this universe are coexisting simultaneously, and now and prebuilt possible futures are just different presentation of a same bottom layer or just from different parts of a same bottom layer.

And also, this universe maybe like a megnatic tape on which our consiousness certainize uncertain signals (like countless analog signals) to certain signals (like some digital signals), like a megnatic head moves on a megnatice tape to read and write megnatic tape to record data or information. So our all certainized past may be recorded and existing with present/now of this universt at the same time as well, and past and now of this universe are just like different parts of a same megnatic tape.

So, the past (certainized), the present/now and the prebuilt possible future (a part of all possible futures) of this universe are different presentations or on different parts of the very same bottom layer of this universe, and are existing simultineously (at the same time). So who can see things far away may also be able to see past and the prebuilt possible future in the very same method which is relying on same channel in the bottom layer.

Further more, when I discussed the time struture and the whole logic tree of this universe, I have thought of this question: time inside and outside this universe. Haha, now I could have a good guess as below.

In this universe, as present/now time point passes to future, we are actually moving from the present presentation of now to the presentation of next now, and presentation of past and prebuilt possible futures are coexisting with presentation of now at the same time, and all presentations are just different presentations based on a very same bottom layer.

What Einstein misunderstood may be that: the delusion is not be time (passing) and now time point in this universe, and time passing is true and now time point is unique anywhere in and out this universe; and the delusion is the prebuilt possible futures of this universe, the prebuilt possible futures are not true future (yet at least), and we may move to a prebuilt possible future, but a prebuilt possible future can only be true after we reached it.

If there is any existence outside this universe which can have some relation or interaction with this universe, then there may be only one prerequsite: all existence which can have relation to or interact with each other shall have a very same “present/now” time point, which means there shall be a present/now for all existence you can see or know. The common present/now in and out this universe is true and the time passing inside and outside this universe may be true common passing of time and not delusion.

In another word, my guess is: as time pass in this universe our consiousness are just moving from one presentation to next presentation of the same bottome layer of this universe, and the presentation of past, now and prebuilt possible futures are coexisting togather; time inside and outside this universe has a common or same “present/now” time point, and time passing may be true and common anywhere.

PS: The recorded certainized past, now and prebuilt possible futures are coexisting different parts of presentation of a very same bottom layer, so the presented time of this universe is just an an extra dimension like the 3 dimensions of space, so the whole presented structure of time structure of this universe is 4-dimension in which space and time are equal dimensions; but the real time is not like any dimension of space and there is unique common now of time in and outside this universe; and even in this universe, there is a common now in time passing, and past is certainized and possible futures are uncertain and we are certainizing what we reach at now; so the real delusion is the presented time of this universe which may be just a special feature of this universe and not the real time. So in this universe, that you see something very far away in space share the same nature that you see something in certainized past or prebuilt possible futures, because they are just different parts of presentation of a same bottom layer.)

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