Last updated on October 6, 2022
Just see the Nobel prize of this year which negate the hidden viriables in collapse of entangled quantum, which happens to make me realize I put some wrong schemes with right schemes togather in my article in April “Interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment and time of this universe” (I proposed the idea from March and the experiment gradually from May to Nov. of 2021). The right schemes should be the ones which have wave result on “D0” detector, and the wrong schemes should be the ones which have particles result on “D0” detector, because in the wrong schemes, when the signal photon collapse (certainize), the marker photon (the other of the entangled pair) will collapse at same time before it reaches the light route behind.
So I removed the wrong schemes from my previous article and repub it below, haha.
Interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment and time of this universe
This article proposes an interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment based on the well-known delayed choice quantum eraser experiment, and the result of this interrupted experiment may disclose: this universe is prebuilding its possible future, and so this universe has a time structure with possible future, and a possible future can interact with the present (NOW) by a hyper-time way, and a possible future may not become reality finally, and this universe may lose logics in reality when a possible future that has interacted with past finally doesn’t become reality.
About two years ago, I happened to be interested in prophecies and so had a question: could any science prove that to change a future is possible or completely impossible?
And later, I might have found a way to prove it is possible –. an interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment which is based on the well-known delayed choice quantum eraser experiment.
This interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment and my corresponding guesses about the time of this universe are as below.
1) About the interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment
The figure.1 is a typical illustration graph of a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment.
Figure.1 is a typical illustration graph of a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment, and the lower part of this graph is the part surrounded by the red dash line, and for any photon pair generated by an original photon from the light source, the signal photon goes to the upper part and the marker photon goes to the lower part. There are total 3 typical cases related to delayed choice quantum eraser experiment as below.
First case is exactly as same as Figure.1 which is the typical delayed choice quantum eraser experiment, in which the existence of the half mirror lens BSc erases the path of the marker photon, so there will be interference on the D0.
Second case is: removing the entire lower part from the prism PS, we cannot get the path information of the marker photons, so there will be interference on the D0 as well.
Third case is: removing only the BSc from the graph below, we can know the path of the marker photon and then know which slit the corresponding original photon passed, and so there will be NO interference on D0.
This delayed choice quantum eraser experiment showed us the consistency of reality between different time of this universe, but it cannot tell whether it is between the past and the present or between the present and the future, and also it is still in the scope of Determinism. But I thought this experiment can be improved to an interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment as below to show us more about real nature of time of this universe.
2) The interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment
There are two versions of this interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment: a basic version and an improved version.
At the beginning, for basic versions, you set as same as First case or Second case, and for improved version, you set as same as First case.
For both versions, supposing you have a 10ms(milliseconds) delay after a signal photon of a pair reaches D0 and before the marker photon of the same pair reaches PS (for all cases) or BSc ( only when there is not the second case above included), and supposing you need at least 1000 photons to create an interference on D0, then you can emit 1000 photons one by one in 1ms from the light source to BBO, and then you can do one of two sets of steps below to complete this interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment.
For the basic version, after all the 1000 signal photons have reached D0 and before the 1000 marker photons reach PS (or BSc), you just need to change the lower part of Figure.1 from the first/second case to the third case. And thus, if this experiment succeeds, the result of D0 will be interference, and the result of lower part of Figure.1 (D1 to D4) will not be consistent to D0 .
For the improved version, after all the 1000 signal photons have reached D0 and before the 1000 marker photons reach the PS (or BSc), an automated process needs to determine in some time span like 5ms whether the result of the 1000 signal photons on the D0 is interference or not, and accordingly you can change the lower part of Figure.1 according to the result of D0: if the result of D0 is interference, you change the lower part of Figure.1 to the third case from the first case, and if the result of D0 is not interference, you do no change. And thus if this experiment succeeds, the D0 result will not be consistent to the result of the lower part of Figure.1 (D1 to D4).
3) If this interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment succeeds, what could it mean?
The result of this interrupted experiment should be either that D0 result turns out to be consistent to the lower part of Figure.1 or not. If the result of D0 finally turns out to be not consistent with the lower part of Figure.1, it means this experiment succeeds and thus may disclose: this universe is prebuilding its possible future, and so this universe has a time structure with possible future, and a possible future can interact with the present (NOW) by a hyper-time way, and a possible future may not become reality finally, and this universe may lose logics in reality when a possible future that has interacted with past finally doesn’t become reality.
3.1) time structure of this universe when including the past only in reality
The time structure of this universe may be described as Figure.2 below when including the past only in reality. In Figure.2, The NOW interface is where we are at now in the time of this universe, and this NOW interface is what this universe is now which includes both certainties and uncertainties at the same time.
In Figure.2, the past in reality is the yellow cone from Big Bang to NOW, and the possible future of NOW is the blue circular truncated cone from NOW, and NOW is the interface between the past in reality and the possible future of NOW. As time passes, we are moving on the NOW from past to future in the time of this universe, and the whole truncated cone of the possible future of NOW is dynamically changing according to the change of NOW as well.
There is a greater degree or proportion of uncertainty in the future than in the past and there should be different possibilities in future and only one reality in past, so in Figure.2 the increasing ratio of the truncated cone of the possible future of NOW is bigger than the cone of the past in reality. The expanding of the cone of past in reality shows the expanding of this universe and the increase of total information in this universe over time.
3.2) the whole logic tree of time structure of this universe
But Figure.2 shows only a part of the whole logic tree of the time structure of this universe, which means that there are logics lost in the Figure.2. So the whole logic tree of time structure of this universe should be like a tree with lots of branches on the stem from one end of the stem (big bang) to another end of the stem (NOW), and the stem is the reality of this universe from Big Bang to NOW, and the branches in the past are non-realized possible future of past which are not and cannot become reality, and the braches from NOW are possible future of NOW which are possible to become reality in future.
It’s a pity that my skills don’t allow me to draw this whole logic tree of time structure of this universe on computer more accurately, so I work out Figure.3 below based on Figure.2. Figure.3 is as same as Figure.2 except for adding the part of “non-realized possible future of past”, and this “non-realized possible future of past” in fact should be the sum of numerous circular truncated cones of possible futures of past, and as the time is passing, the whole truncated cone of possible future of NOW is changing according to the change of NOW.
3.3) some rules about the hyper-time interaction between a possible future and NOW
In reality and in all possible futures of the past and the present of this universe, the effects of any interaction should be consistent to the certain fixed laws/rules/principals of this universe.
In this universe, the present reality is capable to interacting with a possible future by a hyper-time way, and this interacting possible future may not become reality in future, and thus the reality of this universe may lose logistics: lose this interaction’s effects in this unrealized possible future out of reality and only have other effects of this interaction in the (present or future) reality of this universe.
In this universe, the past is not able to or not allowed to change.
4) More questions and guesses
Even if this interrupted delayed choice quantum eraser experiment succeeds, it will just bring more questions than answers, which will just let us know how ignorant we are now. I’d like to extend to more questions and blind guesses as below.
Q&G 1: is there an individual time structure for each individual consciousness?
The quantum experiments seem to show that our consciousness can interact with this universe by certainizing uncertainty to certainty when reaching the uncertainty (including knowing), in which “certainize something” means “make something certain”. So there is such possibility that a consciousness is something special in this universe and has its own time structure which aligns to the time of this universe by some way of interacting or combing with this universe, like interacting or combining with somewhere or something of NOW of this universe to keep itself in the NOW time of this universe?
Q&G 2: what is NOW of this universe like exactly? The quantum experiments seem to show that in micro-cosmos only what we observed will become certain or be certainized, and our consciousness are reaching and certainizing only the part of NOW and the other part of NOW keeps uncertain, and then what is NOW of this universe like exactly? I guess that the uncertain part of NOW is a little bit like the “Parallel multi-universe” which somebody suggested before, but there is no consciousness or no reaching of consciousness in the uncertain part of NOW, and all these parallel multi universe of the uncertainty of NOW share the exactly same one certain part of NOW where we or our consciousness are reaching or at, which means in the whole NOW of certainty and uncertainty there is only one “me”. So the Parallel multi-universe theory is wrong to believe that there is a separate “me”(or consciousness of me) in each of those parallel universes.
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