Last updated on October 5, 2024
I have to say some opinions are really illuminating like about weeds and love.
Some said that legalizing weeds will reduce the drug using. It’s just like legalizing minor bully will reduce severe bully, like legalizing sexual harassment will reduce raping, like legalizing robery under $1000 will reduce severe robery, or like legalizing minor intentional hurt will reduce murdering. What a brilliant idea!
Some said that “you can love whatever you want” or “love shall win”, but the true meaning in it is “you can fuck whatever you want” or “fuck whatever shall win”, isn’t it? Although I strongly suggest loving positive stuff like loving spouse, parent, children, friend, pet or plant (not weeds), I respect anyone’s rights to love whatever, but we shall not abuse or fuck or eat whatever we want or love, right?
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