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more about time, wave and object

In this universe, the information or signal on a point of space at a specific time point of both static time and dynamic time is some kind of momentum/trend/tendency of movement or change (vector, torsion, tensor or vibration) on this point; the information or signal on a point of space may change along the static time dimension, which may be called as static time wave; and the information or signal on this point of space may also change along the dynamic time dimension, which may be called as dynamic time wave.

When the time of a point of space is becoming slower as according to special relativity in this universe, the wavelength of static time wave on this point is becoming longer if the speed of NOW on static time waves relative to dynamic time are fixed or equal to each other between different space points, or the speed of NOW on static time wave on this space point is becoming slower if the wavelengths of static time are fixed or uniform to each other between different space points, but anyway, the frequency of dynamic time wave of this point is becoming lower.

In fact, supposing wave speed is uniform through different space points and supposing wavelength is uniform through different space points may be different presentations of a same nature. We can understand different wavelength by the analog of the different length of a step/action of different parts of a computer, in which NOW time section runs along static time dimension at same speed on all space points and by different wavelengths like different parts of a computer works by the action/step of different lengths. We can also understand different wave speed by the analog of fluid mechanics, in which static time flow through NOW time section at different speeds on different space points and by a same wave length.

An object in the space of this universe is some information on all points that this object occupy in the space of this universe, and that this object is changing is that the information forming this object on the space points occupied by this object is changing, and that this object is moving is that the information forming this object is moving from previous space points to next space points, and when the dynamic time passes, the information of this object is moving along the static time dimension.

By the way, the static time is variable because the static time that we feel and measure directly may have different wavelengths or wavespeeds at different space points relative to one same dynamic time, and the dynamic time is fixed because all space points in this universe share exactly the same one dynamic time as like a clock source of fixed-frequency, which allow all space points in this universe to align to each other to share a same NOW time section.

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