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A correction to my Interrupted delayed choice quantumn eraser experiment

I just found a mistake in the drawing for the Interrupted delayed choice quantumn eraser experiment that I proposed before: the drawing I used previously is not the right version of the delayed choice quantumn eraser experiment (below refered to as DCQE experiment) for getting Interrupted DCQE experiment, because BSa and BSb should be removed from the drawing I used to get Interrupted DCQE experiment. I guess many of those who have read it had already found this mistake, haha.

The wrong previous figure I used is as below.

The wrong previous figure I used

The figure of the corrected version of DCQE experiment from which Interrupted DCQE experiment can be got is as below

Without BSa and BSb, the experiment will be quite clear that the key is BSc: if there is BSc, BSc will make the route of photon unknown because a photon from either slit can reach either of D1 and D2, and then there will be interference for multiple signal photons on D0, and on the contrary, if there is no BSC, we can know the route of a photon by D1 or D2, and then there will be no interference for multiple signal photons on D0. So the “Interrupted” is just “Removing/Adding BSc”.

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